About NCAE’s Great Public Schools Fund

The NCAE Great Public Schools Fund is the official Political Action Committee or PAC of the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE). Our political engagement work is fueled by educators, community and voters coming together to elect pro-public education candidates and hold all decision-makers accountable to ensure North Carolina has great public schools. We are putting education on the ballot and building a community of Education Voters that care about the future of public education.

  • The Great Public Schools Fund allows us to pool our dollars together to elect pro-public education candidates but more importantly, fund advocacy campaigns to hold decision-makers accountable. The Great Public Schools Fund allows us to make working and learning conditions better. NCAE wants public education at the forefront of the races across the state, make gains toward our strategic goal of $15,000 per student by 2025 and $20,000 by 2030, and win school boards and county commission races. Fund donations help make winning for our members, students, and public education possible.

  • From staffing, to putting members on the doors to speak directly with voters, to digital ads and direct mail to voters, the Great Public Schools Fund is the fund that makes it possible to communicate directly with voters under the NCAE Great Public Schools Fund. Without PAC, we cannot communicate with voters under our name nor put public education at the forefront.

  • With extreme anti-public education candidates eager to take power in the governor’s mansion and the Council of State, and Republicans working to sustain a super majority in the North Carolina General Assembly, we expect special interests will pour tens of millions of dollars into competitive races, making it difficult for our endorsed candidates to reach voters. Making it important to move our political program to a more stable financial foundation and start the conversation with voters.

    As with any budgeting, knowing the scope of one’s resources makes it easier to plan legislative strategy, tactics, and timelines. Your recurring donation allows us to estimate how many targeted races and accountability campaigns we can invest in, including making early or late investments. Help us craft an effective campaign strategy by making a gift today. Multiply your impact and help the Great Public Schools Fund by recruiting more members and allies to sign up as sustaining donors today.

  • Yes! One of our strategic priorities is to Restore the Promise of Public Schools and Democracy. This includes putting forth a vision for public education, putting education on the ballot, and identifying public education voters, to hold decision-makers accountable to policies and investments that make public education work. That starts with raising money for the Great Public Schools Fund:  

    To send mail to voters with a public education message from NCAE on behalf of public school personnel and students 

    To purchase digital ads targeting voters with a public education message from NCAE on behalf of public school personnel and students

    To stipend members to knock on voter doors with a public education message from NCAE on behalf of public school personnel and students. NCAE wants public education at the forefront of the races, to hold decision-makers accountable, make gains across the state for increased per-pupil spending policies, and continue to win school boards and county commission races. Great Public Schools Fund donations help make winning possible.

  • Yes. An individual may only give up to $5,600 per election. Therefore, an individual can give $5,600 through the day of the primary and then $5,600 from the day of the primary to the end of the year. We know that amount of money isn’t a feasible gift for most of our members and allies, but a recurring donation of $8, $10 or even $20 each month can make an enormous impact on the future of our political program and ability to communicate with voters about what’s important to us.

Invest in North Carolina’s future

Consider making a donation to the NCAE Fund today.